White Mom Claims Her Baby Is Black Because of a Black Ancestor but Her Husband Is White

White Mom Claims Her Baby Is Black Because of a Black Ancestor but Her Husband Is White

White Mom Claims Her Baby Is Black Because of a Black Ancestor but Her Husband Is White

When you’re pregnant, there is nothing quite as exciting as getting a look at your baby on an ultrasound. Some of these machines are incredible and can give us an idea of what our babies will look like when they are born. But there is always so much anticipation in the delivery room as we await the moment we finally lay eyes on that little dream come true.

Sometimes, our babies surprise us with a head full of hair or giant dimples on their cheeks. And, of course, there are the babies whose parents expected to be one gender who turn out to be the other. Nothing is quite as shocking, however, as a baby born looking totally different than its mom and dad. A family is going viral for the birth of their beautiful baby boy, who happens to be Black. But the mom and dad are both white, and people online think something strange is going on.

The whole world found out about the baby on social media.

Rachel, a cashier at Celina 52 Truck Stop in Celina, Tennessee, gave birth to her son, Cash Jamal Buckman, on February 17. Her employer congratulated her on the company’s Facebook page, including a photo of Rachel, Cash, and her fiancé, Paul Buckman. Paul and Rachel are very white, and their baby appears to be Black. It’s a happy image, but not surprisingly, people were shocked by what they saw and began to comment about Paul not being Cash’s biological father.

Celina’s 52 wanted no part of the finger-pointing.

The truck stop edited its post, and wrote, “Yes, Paul is the father. Rachel has African American DNA in her which can skip generations and cause a child to be born with darker skin. The baby is also a [bit] discolored because it has jaundice or something probably. Please be kind.”

But people weren’t buying it.

Someone wrote, “I feel sorry for Paul, being duped like this is a whole new level of creep. Hopefully he’ll wise up.”

This person was concerned about a mistake at the hospital. “Definitely needs a DNA test; what if they accidentally mixed up the kiddos in the nursery?” the person questioned.

There also were plenty of jokes.

“Congratulations!!! I AM sure he looks just like his dad. Where is he?” someone else wrote.

Rachel came in hot with her family history.

She posted her alleged DNA results on the company’s Facebook page, showing she is 1% Cameroon, Congo, and Western Bantu peoples.

The post reads, “For the haters saying that I dont have black DNA maybe this will clear it up straight from my ancestry DNA results !!!! NOW STOP slandering mine and my fiancee Paul Buckman name. he IS the father of Lil Cash.-RACHEL.”

People still had jokes.

“That’s the strongest 1% I’ve ever seen … this looks like a job for Maury,” someone wrote.

A mom with similar DNA claimed, “I have that too … and both my babies still look Irish as a boiled potato.”

Paul appeared concerned.

He took to his personal Facebook page and made multiple posts alluding to the birth of his son. One reads, “Have you ever had the feeling that everyone is laughing at you?”

In another, he admitted that he requested a DNA test.

Some people supported the idea.

“Good choice, Paul!! Do with the results as you please, but I would hate for you to not know the truth. God Bless you!” one person wrote.

Others thought testing was a waste of money.

“Sir Helen Keller could tell that’s not your child save your money,” another comment reads.

The story went insanely viral.

The original post on Facebook has been shared 33,000 times alone and has caught the attention of many TikTokers. One person, who goes by @omgkeez95, posted his take on the story, which has been viewed 6.2 million times.

“I know Rachel ain’t tell Paul this his d— baby,” he says, going on to compare the baby to his parents. He doesn’t believe there is any way Paul is Cash’s dad, but says, “as long as Paul’s happy, you hear me?”

The jokes also continued.

“Rachel has definitely had some African DNA in her, but it didn’t skip any generations,” a comment reads.

And there was this comment: “Rachel has been doing extra circular activities 😂😂😂😂.”

Celina’s 52 had a message for customers on Wednesday: “Celina 52 is closed today while we polygraph and DNA test all employees and staff. Our apologies at this time. We will reopen upon conclusion of the investigation. Sincerely, Dennis CEO of Celina Truck Stops USA LLC.”

We don’t know how this one will pan out, but we’ve got the popcorn ready.

Update: Since the time of publication, some have suggested that Celina 52 Truck Stop, could be a satire account. However, we have not been able to confirm that. If that’s the case, they sure got a lot of people with this one!

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